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Simple one-touch operation.



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UV Light

Lumin works by emitting high energy light within a narrow spectrum referred to as UV. The Lumin relies on a low-pressure, mercury-arc lamp designed to produce the highest amounts of UV energy – where 90% of energy is generated around 254nm.


NO Ozone

Fast 5min Cleaning

Simple use

Clean anything that fits in the drawer


Lumin may be used for hospital and institutional use to decontaminate N95 Respirators.

Lumin can deliver up to 2,000 mJ/cm2 using the 2 cycle protocol recommended by FDA. Irradiation kill dose for COVID-19 has been determined by the CDC to be in the range of  200-1000 mJ/cm2.  Lumin is ideal for small institutional department use (i.e. Emergency Rooms), sub-acute facilities (Urgent Care, clinics, etc), long-term care facilities (i.e. nursing homes, hospices, etc), ambulatory care facilities and first-responders (fire & rescue, police, paramedics, etc). It is lab tested to kill bacteria and viruses. For institutional use, please follow the FDA approved instructions for N95 decontamination to avoid cross-infection.

Virucidal Efficacy of a UV Test Device on an N95 Respirator

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